Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Trying to figure it all out

You can't come to India to live and not need to try to figure out why things are as they are.  Well, I suppose you could, but it would be such a waste.  India is a country where things happen on a daily basis that make no sense to the average westerner.  For instance, why are there men relieving themselves along the sides of every road, and I mean in the city?!  Also, what is up with all the mustaches and late 70s hair styles and who exactly owns all the cows wandering around? On a more serious note, why do the Indian people put up with so much corruption in their politicians and such poor service from the civic authorities?

One thing in particular that really amazes me is how the people who come out of the slums look so clean, pressed and tidy.  Disarray is all around but the school children are perfectly groomed (they might not have shoes on though) and the colours of the women's saris are so beautiful and bright!  How do they pull that off everyday?! And if only I could get my whites to look so white...

I only have a year here so I doubt I will be able to make sense of it all but it is quite an adventure trying!

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